
Super creature - Jaguar

           Super creature - Jaguar         Jaguars are stunning creatures with rose-shaped spots. Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, India, and other countries have them. They are the third largest cat on the planet. Many people are perplexed by the difference between leopards and jaguars. They have the most powerful bite force of any cat. Pantanal Jaguars are the largest jaguar species in the area right now. A male jaguar was the world's largest jaguar ever registered  that weighed more than 300 pounds and weighed 149 kilograms.   In most cases, they do not attack humans, but in rare cases, they do. It is the most powerful big cat for its size. They are opportunistic hunters who will eat almost anything they come across. Jaguars eat a variety of prey, including capybaras, deer, tortoises, iguanas, armadillos, fish, birds, and monkeys. They can even take on South America's largest animal, the tapir, as well as large predators lik...

Extraordinary Creature - Tiger

Hi, I'm going to share some fun facts about tigers. Tigers are incredible animals. They can be found in a number of locations, including Siberia, India, Indonesia, China, and North Korea. They are the largest big cats on the Earth. There are also Black Tigers, who appear black due to thick strips on their bodies that partially or fully cover the tawny background. I've only written about black tigers so far, but there are white tigers as well, which are caused by  lack of the pigment pheomelanin, which is found in Bengal tigers of orange colour. The Siberian Tiger is the largest of the Tiger species, while the Royal Bengal Tiger is the second largest. Here's some more details on Tigers: Panthera tigris is the scientific name for this species. 8–15 years of life expectancy (In the wild) Speed range: 49–65 km/h (Adult, In Short Bursts) The status of this species is Endangered (Population decreasing) Number of people: Adult males: 90–305 kg, adult females: 65–170 kg...